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Should I Break Up?

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📖 Articles

(Specific references)

  • Anderson, Cameron; Keltner, Dacher; John, Oliver P., Emotional convergence between people over time, 2003, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos, Why people stay single: An evolutionary perspective, 2017, Personality and Individual Differences, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos, An evolutionary account of the prevalence of personality traits that impair intimate relationships, 2016, Personality and Individual Differences, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos, Parent-Offspring Conflict over Mating: The Case of Beauty, 2008, Evolutionary Psychology, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos, Parent-Offspring Conflict over Mating: The Case of Family Background, 2008, Evolutionary Psychology, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos, Sexual selection under parental choice: the role of parents in the evolution of human mating, 2007, Evolution and Human Behavior, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos, Why Men Stay Single? Evidence from Reddit, 2019, Evolutionary Psychological Science, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos, Past, present, and why people struggle to establish and maintain intimate relationships, 2015, Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, journalArticle

  • Apostolou, Menelaos; Patsiarika, Georgia, Why people prefer to be single: Sociosexuality, Dark Triad, and career focus effects, 2022, Personality and Individual Differences, journalArticle

  • Aron, Arthur; Aron, Elaine N.; Tudor, Michael; Nelson, Greg, Close relationships as including other in the self, 1991, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Attridge, Mark; Berscheid, Ellen; Simpson, Jeffry A., Predicting relationship stability from both partners versus one, 1995, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Birditt, Kira S; Cranford, James A; Manalel, Jasmine A; Antonucci, Toni C, Drinking Patterns Among Older Couples: Longitudinal Associations With Negative Marital Quality, 2018, The Journals of Gerontology: Series B, journalArticle

  • Broude, Gwen J.; Greene, Sarah J., Cross-Cultural Codes on Husband-Wife Relationships, 1983, Ethnology, journalArticle

  • Buck, April A.; Neff, Lisa A., Stress spillover in early marriage: The role of self-regulatory depletion, 2012, Journal of Family Psychology, journalArticle

  • Buss, David M., Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures, 1989, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, journalArticle

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  • Buss, David M.; Haselton, Martie, The evolution of jealousy, 2005, Trends in Cognitive Sciences, journalArticle

  • Buss, David M.; Schmitt, David P., Mate Preferences and Their Behavioral Manifestations, 2019, Annual Review of Psychology, journalArticle

  • Buss, David M.; Shackelford, Todd K., From vigilance to violence: Mate retention tactics in married couples, 1997, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Cacioppo, John T.; Cacioppo, Stephanie; Gonzaga, Gian C.; Ogburn, Elizabeth L.; VanderWeele, Tyler J., Marital satisfaction and break-ups differ across on-line and off-line meeting venues, 2013, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, journalArticle

  • Chopik, William J.; O’Brien, Ed, Happy you, healthy me? Having a happy partner is independently associated with better health in oneself, 2017, Health Psychology, journalArticle

  • Cole, Shana; Trope, Yaacov; Balcetis, Emily, In the Eye of the Betrothed: Perceptual Downgrading of Attractive Alternative Romantic Partners, 2016, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, journalArticle

  • Desrochers, Jessica; MacKinnon, Megan; Kelly, Benjamin; Masse, Brett; Arnocky, Steven, Sex Differences in Response to Deception Across Mate-Value Traits of Attractiveness, Job Status, and Altruism in Online Dating, 2021, Archives of Sexual Behavior, journalArticle

  • Dobson, Kiersten; Zhu, Jenney; Balzarini, Rhonda N.; Campbell, Lorne, Responses to Sexual Advances and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships: Is Yes Good and No Bad?, 2020, Social Psychological and Personality Science, journalArticle

  • Duncan, Simon; Phillips, Miranda; Carter, Julia; Roseneil, Sasha; Stoilova, Mariya, Practices and perceptions of living apart together, 2014, Family Science, journalArticle

  • Epstein, Robert; Pandit, Mayuri; Thakar, Mansi, How Love Emerges in Arranged Marriages: Two Cross-cultural Studies, 2013, Journal of Comparative Family Studies, journalArticle

  • Farrelly, Daniel, Altruism as an Indicator of Good Parenting Quality in Long-Term Relationships: Further Investigations Using the Mate Preferences Towards Altruistic Traits Scale, 2013, The Journal of Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Fisher, H. E., Lust, attraction, and attachment in mammalian reproduction, 1998, Human Nature (Hawthorne, N.Y.), journalArticle

  • Fisher, Helen; Aron, Arthur; Brown, Lucy L., Romantic love: An fMRI study of a neural mechanism for mate choice, 2005, Journal of Comparative Neurology, journalArticle

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  • Fletcher, Garth J. O.; Simpson, Jeffry A.; Campbell, Lorne; Overall, Nickola C., Pair-Bonding, Romantic Love, and Evolution: The Curious Case of Homo sapiens, 2015, Perspectives on Psychological Science, journalArticle

  • Flynn, Francis J.; Collins, Hanne; Zlatev, Julian, Are You Listening to Me? The Negative Link Between Extraversion and Perceived Listening, 2022, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, journalArticle

  • Frankenbach, Julius; Weber, Marcel; Loschelder, David D.; Kilger, Helena; Friese, Malte, Sex drive: Theoretical conceptualization and meta-analytic review of gender differences, 2022, Psychological Bulletin, journalArticle

  • Frederick, David A.; Fales, Melissa R., Upset Over Sexual versus Emotional Infidelity Among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Heterosexual Adults, 2016, Archives of Sexual Behavior, journalArticle

  • Freedman, Gili; Powell, Darcey N.; Le, Benjamin; Williams, Kipling D., Ghosting and destiny: Implicit theories of relationships predict beliefs about ghosting, 2019, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, journalArticle

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  • Gonzaga, Gian C.; Campos, Belinda; Bradbury, Thomas, Similarity, convergence, and relationship satisfaction in dating and married couples, 2007, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

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  • Halpern-Manners, Andrew; Hernandez, Elaine M.; Wilbur, Tabitha G., Crossover Effects of Education on Health within Married Couples, 2022, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, journalArticle

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  • Joel, Samantha; MacDonald, Geoff; Page-Gould, Elizabeth, Wanting to Stay and Wanting to Go: Unpacking the Content and Structure of Relationship Stay/Leave Decision Processes, 2018, Social Psychological and Personality Science, journalArticle

  • Jonason, Peter K.; Kaźmierczak, Izabela; Campos, Ana Catarina; Davis, Mark D., Leaving without a word: Ghosting and the Dark Triad traits, 2021, Acta Psychologica, journalArticle

  • Kardas, Michael; Kumar, Amit; Epley, Nicholas, Overly shallow?: Miscalibrated expectations create a barrier to deeper conversation, 2022, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Kim, James J.; Muise, Amy; Sakaluk, John K.; Rosen, Natalie O.; Impett, Emily A., When Tonight Is Not the Night: Sexual Rejection Behaviors and Satisfaction in Romantic Relationships, 2020, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, journalArticle

  • Kirkpatrick, R. C., The Evolution of Human Homosexual Behavior, 2000, Current Anthropology, journalArticleindexed by noe fagnoni 031097 founder of ogmy

  • Kraus, Michael W., Voice-only communication enhances empathic accuracy, 2017, American Psychologist, journalArticle

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  • Lewandowski, Gary W.; Ackerman, Robert A., Something’s Missing: Need Fulfillment and Self-Expansion as Predictors of Susceptibility to Infidelity, 2006, The Journal of Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Lewandowski, Gary W.; Bizzoco, Nicole M., Addition through subtraction: Growth following the dissolution of a low quality relationship, 2007, The Journal of Positive Psychology, journalArticle

  • Lim, Daniel; DeSteno, David, Guilt underlies compassion among those who have suffered adversity, 2022, Emotion, journalArticle

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  • Monk, J. Kale; Ogolsky, Brian G.; Maniotes, Christopher, On–Off Relationship Instability and Distress Over Time in Same- and Different-Sex Relationships, 2022, Family Relations, journalArticle

  • Muise, Amy; Schimmack, Ulrich; Impett, Emily A., Sexual Frequency Predicts Greater Well-Being, But More is Not Always Better, 2016, Social Psychological and Personality Science, journalArticle

  • Neff, Lisa A.; Buck, April A., When Rose-Colored Glasses Turn Cloudy: Stressful Life Circumstances and Perceptions of Partner Behavior in Newlywed Marriage, 2022, Social Psychological and Personality Science, journalArticle

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  • Park, Caroline; Majeed, Amna; Gill, Hartej; Tamura, Jocelyn; Ho, Roger C.; Mansur, Rodrigo B.; Nasri, Flora; Lee, Yena; Rosenblat, Joshua D.; Wong, Elizabeth; McIntyre, Roger S., The Effect of Loneliness on Distinct Health Outcomes: A Comprehensive Review and Meta-Analysis, 2020, Psychiatry Research, journalArticle

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  • Peri-Rotem, Nitzan; Skirbekk, Vegard, Religiosity, Sex Frequency, and Sexual Satisfaction in Britain: Evidence from the Third National Survey of Sexual Attitudes and Lifestyles (Natsal), 2022, The Journal of Sex Research, journalArticle

  • Raposo, Stephanie; Rosen, Natalie O.; Muise, Amy, Self-expansion is associated with greater relationship and sexual well-being for couples coping with low sexual desire, 2020, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, journalArticle

  • Rauers, Antje; Riediger, Michaela, Ease of Mind or Ties That Bind? Costs and Benefits of Disclosing Daily Hassles in Partnerships, 2022, Social Psychological and Personality Science, journalArticle

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  • Rogge, Ronald D.; Cobb, Rebecca J.; Lawrence, Erika; Johnson, Matthew D.; Bradbury, Thomas N., Is skills training necessary for the primary prevention of marital distress and dissolution? A 3-year experimental study of three interventions, 2013, Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, journalArticle

  • Roghanizad, M. Mahdi; Bohns, Vanessa K., Should I Ask Over Zoom, Phone, Email, or In-Person? Communication Channel and Predicted Versus Actual Compliance, 2022, Social Psychological and Personality Science, journalArticle

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  • Schumann, Karina; Ritchie, Emily G.; Forest, Amanda, The Social Consequences of Frequent Versus Infrequent Apologizing, 2021, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, journalArticle

  • Sharp, Elizabeth A.; Ganong, Lawrence, “I’m a Loser, I’m Not Married, Let’s Just All Look at Me”: Ever-Single Women’s Perceptions of Their Social Environment, 2011, Journal of Family Issues, journalArticle

  • Shiota, Michelle N.; Levenson, Robert W., Birds of a feather don’t always fly farthest: similarity in Big Five personality predicts more negative marital satisfaction trajectories in long-term marriages, 2007, Psychology and Aging, journalArticle

  • Shrout, M. Rosie; Weigel, Daniel J., Coping with infidelity: The moderating role of self-esteem, 2020, Personality and Individual Differences, journalArticle

  • Slatcher, Richard B.; Vazire, Simine; Pennebaker, James W., Am “I” more important than “we”? Couples’ word use in instant messages, 2008, Personal Relationships, journalArticle

  • Sommerlad, Andrew; Ruegger, Joshua; Singh-Manoux, Archana; Lewis, Glyn; Livingston, Gill, Marriage and risk of dementia: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies, 2018, Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, journalArticle

  • Spielmann, Stephanie S.; Joel, Samantha; Impett, Emily A., Pursuing Sex with an Ex: Does It Hinder Breakup Recovery?, 2019, Archives of Sexual Behavior, journalArticle

  • Spielmann, Stephanie S.; Joel, Samantha; Impett, Emily A., Pursuing Sex with an Ex: Does It Hinder Breakup Recovery?, 2019, Archives of Sexual Behavior, journalArticle

  • Steininger, Benedikt; Pietschnig, Jakob, Evidence for the superordinate predictive ability of trait psychopathy: The Dark Triad and quality of sexual life, 2022, Personality and Individual Differences, journalArticle

  • Sullivan, Kieran T.; Pasch, Lauri A.; Johnson, Matthew D.; Bradbury, Thomas N., Social support, problem solving, and the longitudinal course of newlywed marriage, 2010, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Swann Jr., William B.; De La Ronde, Chris; Hixon, J. Gregory, Authenticity and positivity strivings in marriage and courtship, 1994, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Timmermans, Elisabeth; De Caluwé, Elien; Alexopoulos, Cassandra, Why are you cheating on tinder? Exploring users’ motives and (dark) personality traits, 2018, Computers in Human Behavior, journalArticle

  • Tsapelas, Irene; Aron, Arthur; Orbuch, Terri, Marital Boredom Now Predicts Less Satisfaction 9 Years Later, 2009, Psychological Science, journalArticle

  • Twenge, Jean M.; Sherman, Ryne A.; Wells, Brooke E., Declines in Sexual Frequency among American Adults, 1989–2014, 2017, Archives of Sexual Behavior, journalArticle

  • Waldinger, Robert J.; Schulz, Marc S., What’s Love Got To Do With It?: Social Functioning, Perceived Health, and Daily Happiness in Married Octogenarians, 2010, Psychology and aging, journalArticle

  • Walen, Heather R.; Lachman, Margie E., Social Support and Strain from Partner, Family, and Friends: Costs and Benefits for Men and Women in Adulthood, 2000, Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, journalArticle

  • Weiss, Petr; Brody, Stuart, Women’s Partnered Orgasm Consistency Is Associated with Greater Duration of Penile–Vaginal Intercourse but Not of Foreplay, 2009, The Journal of Sexual Medicine, journalArticle indexed by noe fagnoni 031097 founder of ogmy

  • Williamson, Hannah C.; Karney, Benjamin R.; Bradbury, Thomas N., Financial strain and stressful events predict newlyweds’ negative communication independent of relationship satisfaction, 2013, Journal of Family Psychology, journalArticle

  • Yilmaz, Cansu; Selcuk, Emre; Gunaydin, Gul; Cingöz-Ulu, Banu; Filiztekin, Alpay; Kent, Oya, You Mean the World to Me: The Role of Residential Mobility in Centrality of Romantic Relationships, 2022, Social Psychological and Personality Science, journalArticle

  • Zeevi, Lior; klein Selle, Nathalie; Kellmann, Eva Ludmilla; Boiman, Gal; Hart, Yuval; Atzil, Shir, Bio-behavioral synchrony is a potential mechanism for mate selection in humans | Scientific Reports, 2022, Scientific Reports, journalArticle

📚 Books

(Specific references)

  • Buss, David M., The Evolution Of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating, 2003, book

  • Cacioppo, Stephanie, Wired for Love: A Neuroscientist’s Journey Through Romance, Loss, and the Essence of Human Connection, 2022, book

  • Lehmiller, Justin J., Tell Me What You Want: The Science of Sexual Desire and How It Can Help You Improve Your Sex Life, 2018, book

  • Saltz, Gail, The Ripple Effect: How Better Sex Can Lead to a Better Life, 2009, book

  • Emery, Lydia F.; Gardner, Wendi L., Who in the World Am I? Self-Concept Clarity and Self-Change in Relationships, 2020, Interpersonal Relationships and the Self-Concept, bookSection

  • Hadden, Benjamin W.; Agnew, Christopher R., Commitment Readiness: Timing, the Self, and Close Relationships, 2020, Interpersonal Relationships and the Self-Concept, bookSection

  • Lyons, Minna, Chapter Four — Mating Strategies (Mate Competition, Mate Attraction, and Established Relationships), 2019, The Dark Triad of Personality, bookSection

  • Mattingly, Brent A.; McIntyre, Kevin P.; Lewandowski, Gary W., Relationship Dissolution and Self-concept Change, 2020, Interpersonal Relationships and the Self-Concept, bookSection

🖥 Webpages

(Specific references)

  • Fisher, Helen, The Science of Love, 2016, Big Think, videoRecording

  • Perel, Esther; Got Relationship Goals? Relational Thinking Is Your Launchpad, 2017, Big Think, videoRecording

  • The science of sex, love, attraction, and obsession, 2021, Big Think, videoRecording

  • Perel, Esther; Rethinking infidelity … a talk for anyone who has ever loved, 2015, TED Talk, videoRecording

  • Benson, Kyle; The Magic Relationship Ratio, According to Science, 2017, The Gottman Institute, webpage

  • Fisher, Helen; The brain in love, TED Talk, webpage

  • The Four Horsemen: Criticism, Contempt, Defensiveness, & Stonewalling, 2013, The Gottman Institute, webpage

  • Perel, Esther; The secret to desire in a long-term relationship, webpage

  • The Effect of Sexual Activity on Wages, IZA — Institute of Labor Economics, webpage

  • The Effects of Marriage on Health: A Synthesis of Recent Research Evidence, ASPE, webpage

  • Harvard Health, Marriage and Men’s Health, Harvard Health Publishing, webpage

  • Sengor, Shaka; Why toxic relationships are so draining. And when to break them off., webpage

.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .

📖 Articles

(General references)

  • Addicott, M A; Pearson, J M; Sweitzer, M M; Barack, D L; Platt, M L, A Primer on Foraging and the Explore/Exploit Trade-Off for Psychiatry Research | Neuropsychopharmacology, 2017, Neuropsychopharmacology, journalArticle

  • Adhiya-Shah, Khushali, Book Review: The Will to Meaning: Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy, 2017, Frontiers in Psychology, journalArticle

  • Alkış, Nurcan; Taşkaya Temizel, Tuğba, The impact of individual differences on influence strategies, 2015, Personality and Individual Differences, journalArticle

  • Allik, Jüri; Church, A. Timothy; Ortiz, Fernando A.; Rossier, Jérôme; Hřebíčková, Martina; de Fruyt, Filip; Realo, Anu; McCrae, Robert R., Mean Profiles of the NEO Personality Inventory, 2017, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, journalArticle

  • Allport, Gordon W., What is a trait of personality?, 1931, The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Ariely, Dan, Predictably Irrational, Revised and Expanded Edition: The Hidden Forces That Shape Our Decisions, journalArticle

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  • Armitage, Peter, Fisher, Bradford Hill, and randomization, 2003, International Journal of Epidemiology, journalArticle

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  • Aron, Arthur; Melinat, Edward; Aron, Elaine N.; Vallone, Robert Darrin; Bator, Renee J., The Experimental Generation of Interpersonal Closeness: A Procedure and Some Preliminary Findings, 1997, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, journalArticle

  • Athanasopoulos, Panos; Bylund, Emanuel; Montero-Melis, Guillermo; Damjanovic, Ljubica; Schartner, Alina; Kibbe, Alexandra; Riches, Nick; Thierry, Guillaume, Two Languages, Two Minds: Flexible Cognitive Processing Driven by Language of Operation, 2015, Psychological Science, journalArticle

  • Barbopoulos, Isak; Johansson, Lars-Olof, The Consumer Motivation Scale: Development of a multi-dimensional and context-sensitive measure of consumption goals, 2017, Journal of Business Research, journalArticle indexed by noe fagnoni 031097 founder of ogmy

  • Bardi, Anat; Schwartz, Shalom, Values and Behavior: Strength and Structure of Relations, 2003, Personality & social psychology bulletin, journalArticle

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  • Beer, David, The social power of algorithms, 2017, Information, Communication & Society, journalArticle indexed by noe fagnoni 031097 founder of ogmy

  • Benet-Martínez, V.; John, O. P., Los Cinco Grandes across cultures and ethnic groups: multitrait multimethod analyses of the Big Five in Spanish and English, 1998, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Bianchi, Suzanne M., Family Change and Time Allocation in American Families, 2011, The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, journalArticle

  • Bleidorn, Wiebke; Arslan, Ruben C.; Denissen, Jaap J. A.; Rentfrow, Peter J.; Gebauer, Jochen E.; Potter, Jeff; Gosling, Samuel D., Age and gender differences in self-esteem — A cross-cultural window., 2016, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, journalArticle

  • Bloch, Peter H.; Brunel, Frédéric F.; Arnold, Todd J., Individual Differences in the Centrality of Visual Product Aesthetics: Concept and Measurement, 2003, Journal of Consumer Research, journalArticle

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